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Fairfield Hills Authority - 7/27/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday July 17, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Andrew Willie called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
PRESENT:Andrew Willie, John Reed, Michael Holmes, Don Studley, Moira Rodgers, Amy Dent and Julia Wasserman.
ABSENT:  Robert Geckle and Walter Motyka.
ALSO PRESENT: Ed Marks (Parks & Rec), Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec.), Jeff Cugno (O&G), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Tom Hammerberg (Stantec Consulting Services), 1 member of the public, one member of the press.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ruby Johnson of Chestnut Hill Road stated that she would like the web site to give more in depth information regarding the breakdown of tax savings per household that would be a result of economic development. (See attached information supplied by Ms. Johnson)     NOTE:  Attached to original minutes
ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Andrew Willie made a motion to approve the minutes from June 19, 2007 seconded by Moira Rodgers and approved by all.
FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s final year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports. Mr. Studley mentioned that expenses were higher than in the past because the landscaping bill was paid. Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) confirmed that Prestige Landscaping sent their bill for services rendered.  (See Attached)  NOTE:  Attached to original minutes
OPERATING: Ms. DeMarco (DeMarco Management) thanked Fred Hurley (not present) for the work that Public Works did cleaning up and removing  of downed limbs and trees due to the major storms in the past three months.
Maria DeMarco also discussed the numerous complaints being received regarding dog waste on the fields.  Ms. DeMarco spoke to Chief Kehoe about a new ordinance that was passed that allow warnings and fines to be handed out against anyone not cleaning up after there pets.  There will be new signs put up around Fairfield Hills to enforce the new ordinance. 
Ms. DeMarco brought to the boards attention that the deadline for removal of belongings by all departments from Fairfield Hills came and went on July 6, 2007 without anything being removed.  Moira Rodgers suggested that a new date be set that the dumpsters would be delivered and all items be discarded.  John Reed suggested that notice be given again to all departments and he volunteered to personally meet with the head Librarian at C.H. Booth Library and the Principal at Newtown High School to give them a final date of removal.  Moira Rodgers said she would notify Planning and Zoning.  A motion was made that August 7, 2007 be the final removal date and that a letter to this affect will be sent to the First Selectman.  Motion Passed.
Ms. DeMarco was asked by Andrew Willie if  there was any new information regarding the use of  Farfield Hills for the making of the movie, “The Madman’s Tale”.  Ms. DeMarco had no new updates.
Jeff Cugno, O & G Industries gave a Project Management Report
(See Attached)  NOTE:  Attached to original minutes
Amy Dent handed out a memo regarding the final review of the Fairfield Hills Guidelines report by Thomas Hammerberg, (Stantec Consulting Service) regarding the screening of all outside utility boxes and exterior dumpsters and requested that everyone read over it.  Ms. Dent also made a motion that the memo be approved without reprinting the original report.  The motion was seconded by Moira Rodgers.
John Reed brought into to the discussion that the Conservation Committee had offered some plantings and he would like to have the addendum be given a “First Read” but that no motion be passed.
A vote was taken with 6 approvals and 1 no.
Andrew Willie asked if either Ms. Dent or Ms. Rodgers wanted to change their motion and both said they did not want to change their motion.
Amy Dent then asked that a reconsideration to the motion be given so more information regarding the Conservation Committee be considered.  This was approved by all.
(See Attached Memo)  NOTE:  Attached to original minutes
Amy Dent discussed that four logo’s were submitted for the new Fairfield Hills Logo.
Julia Wasserman requested that there be a more definitive name be giving to the “Old Fairfield Hills” acreage for legislative use.
Andrew Willie presented the Rotary Club Project for everyone to look at.  No motion needed. 
Andrew Willie then said there was no Executive Board meeting needed to discuss the real estate negotiations.  There is a person very interested in opening up a restaurant at Fairfield Hills so a price for common charges must be considered at a later date.
Meeting was motioned to adjourn by Andrew Willie, seconded by Moira Rodgers, approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Mary Jane                                                        Robert Geckle Chairman